Read a story and answer comprehension questions in full sentences.
- Review chapter 4 handouts and book
- Know vocab related to the post office, laundromat, hair salon and bank
- Know the difference between the past and conditional perfect tenses
- habría hablado = I would have spoken
- había hablado = I had spoken (usually used with ya, meaning already)
Prompt # 2 - Travel and Airports
Write a detailed description of a photograph of people in an airport.
- Review chapter 6 handouts and book
- Know travel vocabulary from chapter 6
- Know the difference between the following phrases and when to use subjunctive or not (chapter 4 grammar)
- dudo que
- no creo que
- no dudo que
- creo que
Prompt #3 - Frida Kahlo
Write a paragraph or more describing the life of Frida Kahlo in Spanish.
Prompt #4 - Frida Kahlo's Art
Write a paragraph describing one of Frida's works of art in Spanish (choose from one of 2 pieces that I will provide...see post below).